Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Thank You Wave....

Have you ever been sitting in traffic, in the back of a delivery van? If you have, surely you know that because of their size, delivery vans must be let into every lane and lot at the behest and good graces of other drivers. And of course, after each one of those drivers lets you squeeeeeze through traffic, you find yourself giving the "Thank-You Wave."

This situation leads me to raise an interesting question of social interaction. Can that wave be over-used?

Ever the subject of controversy, this thank-you wave has been re-counted and poured over in various areas of the media, including appearances in this Seinfeld episode, and in this article. Some feel that this wave has disintegrated into the new driver complexities and evolutions of cell-phones, music/media, and fast food consumption while driving. Others feel the that wave is just as important as it was thirty years ago, when the wave seemed more likely to be used than it is today. In any case, bloggers have erupted on this current demise of common courtesy. I'd like to know how you feel...Are you a waver? or a scum-sucking apathy-monger that refuses to wave when someone lets you barge your delivery van through traffic? Check out the poll in the sidebar and tell me what you think....!!!

MapCouch Tip: Do the wave folks!!!

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